Monday, May 23, 2016

Power Your Practice with Basics of Yoga

Nikita Gupta, Mumbai
At yoga studio, we receive many enquiries frequently from new yogis, particularly for weight loss. New yogis, here, mean who have very little knowledge (basic) about the tradition of yoga and its practices.

As the yoga teacher, we get the opportunity to converse with many kinds of people, specifically on phone.  Sometime we enjoy the conversation; sometime we don’t know what to say to the person on other side of receiver.
Asking precise questions is the key to get right information but many new yogis fail to put their curiosity and confusion in defined questions.

To understand their queries, we need to ask back few questions. Some of them get intimidated by our questions. But it is actually required if a new yogi wants to make the informed decision.
Though all information is available at the fingertip, very few take the trouble to go through it before making an enquiry. Without sufficient knowledge (basic), some new yogis expect the answers what they want to hear, not the right information. However, only correct information can actually help you to make a right decision. 

 Let me share excerpts from a typical telephonic conversation which goes like this:

“Do you teach power yoga or normal yoga?” asks New Yogi. (Here normal yoga means traditional yoga--hatha yoga.)

“We teach hatha yoga.”

“What is that?”

“Hatha yoga, is traditional form of yoga, a physical branch of yoga is called hatha yoga.”

“Can weight loss happen with traditional yoga?”

“Yes, you can lose the weight!”

“How many kgs (kilograms) I can lose in a month?”

“I can’t tell you this on phone now as I don’t have any idea what kind of lifestyle you are leading, your health issues if any and most important I haven’t seen you yet,” the teacher responds.

Many new yogis don’t find this answer from the yoga studio very encouraging as they just want absolute details of forthcoming results of their practice which they haven’t started yet. So new yogis, you may find such answers not so sweet but the teacher wants to help you to find what is best for you. Before thinking of joining a yoga class for weight loss, many try extreme dieting and few weight loss programs and then they think trying out yoga.

So we understand you want to enroll yoga class out of need, not out of love. But some basic research on different types of yoga on the internet will land you in the yoga studio which is best for you. You will be able to ask exact questions and the high possibility that you will receive accurate answers from the teacher who may suit you. 

Considering your major enquiries and misunderstandings, we are providing you very basic details of yoga (physical) practice. First and most important, every type of yoga (physical form) which is practiced on the mat is Hatha Yoga only. Iyengar Yoga, Asthanga Yoga (Mysore style), Bikram Yoga and even Power Yoga are all forms of hatha yoga. Lord Shiva is considered as the Adi Yogi—the first yogi. Matsyendrnath is known as the founder of hath yoga and the author of Hathayogapradipika, the ultimate guide of hatha yoga.  

Let’s understand in brief the difference between various types of hatha yoga.

What is Power Yoga?

The term power yoga was coined in 1990s. The American yoga teachers  Bryan Kest and Beryl Bender Rich recognized  as the originator of Power Yoga. This type of yoga mostly focuses on ultimate physical fitness and hence typical power yoga session will be more asana oriented than inclusive one with various practices like asanas, pranayamas, chanting and relaxation.

Power Yoga has its root in Mysore Style Ashthanga Yoga which was developed by K Pattabhi Jois. The founder of Power Yoga took few lessons of yoga from K Pattabhi Jois. You can learn more about the concept of power yoga and its origin here…

The power yoga taught in Indian yoga studios follow different styles. You may find that somewhere it is combined with aerobic exercises while some studios choose to conduct sweaty sessions, dominated by Surya Namaskaras, in the dark room without fans and are air conditions. You will find very few studios follow the original style of power Yoga.
Everyone is developing peculiar style of Power Yoga by combining various physical activities with the yoga practice.

What is Mysore style Ashtanga Yoga?

 As I mentioned earlier, this Asthanga Yoga (Mysore Style) was developed by K Pattabhi Jois. The earliest references suggest that Ashthang Yoga is recorded by  Sage Vaman Rishi in the text Yoga Korunta and then it was passed on to Guru Ram Mohan Brahmchari, who shared it with his disciple T Krishnamacharya. And K Pattanhi Jois received it from Krisnamacharya. Learn more about its history and lineage at

Now K Pattabhi Jois's daughter R Sarswati and her son Sharath Jois are taking Ashtanga Yoga tradition forward. You will find very few Ashtnaga Yoga (Mysore) teachers in your city and these teachers are listed on their website
You need lot of diligence to practice Ashthanga Yoga (Mysore Style) as it tests your patience, willpower and body's limitations.

What is Asthanga Yoga Marg?

The Ashthanga Yoga Marg is a comprehensive concept. It includes eight steps of yoga; Yama (restraints), Niyama (observances), Asana (postures), pranayamas (breathing exercises),  Pratyahar (control over five senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhayn (meditation) and Samadhi (meeting your consciousness). Asanas are one of the limbs of Ashthanga Yoga. This type of yoga is not limited to the session of studio but you have to follow it at many levels in your life.

What is traditional yoga?

The traditional yoga is yoga by Patanjali, which is also known as Raj Yoga or classical yoga or Patanjlai Yoga or Ashthanga Yoga. But when you actually enquire of traditional yoga at studio, you are referring to only physical practice. The physical dimension of yoga is known as hatha yoga. And hatha yoga is not only limited to asanas but it also includes kriyas, pranayamas, bandhas and mudras too.  The clarity of concepts is very important as we pass the information to someone else and we are passing it wrong. People with wrong information are more dangerous to the tradition of yoga than who don’t know anything about it.

Can traditional yoga (hatha yoga) help you to lose weight?

Yes, you can lose the weight with hatha yoga too. You can sweat while practicing hatha yoga too. Yoga doesn’t work directly on your fat but it works on your inner mechanism. The whole energy changes and you become more vigilant of diet and your whole lifestyle. Even physical form of yoga can build poise in you and make you more balanced and focused person. All the postures performed in yoga are with breathing sequence.

Surya Namaskras can work as the cardio exercise if done faster. Sun Saluations will strengthen and toned your body if you take time to stop in every posture. Along with weight and inches loss, you may lose your ample amount of stress.

With hatha yoga practice, your stiff shoulders will become active and mobile. The backache will settle down. You will feel more energetic throughout the day. It will increase your quality of body and mind which will result in quality life too. So you will receive much more than you expected. But some patience and faith is required. The fact is that you have not piled up extra pounds overnight and not built stress level in a day so you need to give few months to see some profound changes in yourself.

What is Iyengar Yoga?

The Iyanger Yoga, developed by B K S Iyengar, is very meticulous form of hatha yoga. The late Shri B K S Iyengar put lot of time and efforts to build distinct style of hatha yoga. This form of yoga is favored by intermediate level students. This type of yoga gives lot of focus on alignment. The props like ropes, belts, blocks and bolsters are used to make all alignments more precise.

What is Hot Yoga/Bikram yoga?

The term Hot Yoga and Bikram Yoga are interchangeable. This is very popular form of hatha yoga in US, was developed by Bikram Choudhary. The sessions are arranged in the pre heated room at 40 degree Celsius. Approximately 26 postures and two breathing exercises performed in every session which are structured by Bikram Choudhary in his distinct way. The only teachers who learn and complete nine weeks course with Bikram, are, allowed to teach hot yoga.

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy is advised for the patients or specifically for individuals suffering from some chronic pain. For example, a person with Thyroid Disorder has to practice asanas and pranayamas that will stimulate his thyroid glands. An individual with high blood pressure or cardiac ailments may need to avoid few yogic practices completely depending on the seriousness of his condition. Yoga therapy requires much more knowledge and understanding of ailments and yoga. It is always advised to take yoga therapy from a trained certified teacher.

Note: You can practice yoga on the mat without any basic knowledge too, but the adequate information will make you feel more confident of your practice and the whole Yoga Tradition.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Seven Chakras: Science Meets Spirituality

Abhilasha Kale, photography by Sameer Kulkarni
I assume you feel fresh and energetic post your yoga session. That’s the way one should feel after yoga session. I also consider that you are a well informed yogi and you know the reasons behind good happy feelings which you experience following your yoga practice—happy hormones like oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine are released during your yoga practice. What stimulates the flow of hormones during the practice? Hormones can stream comfortably and joyfully with a better flow of energy in the body. The asana and pranayama practice works as the fuel to your body, allowing your energy to travel more freely and quickly throughout the body.

The positioning of seven chakras in a human body, in the spine, was confirmed by ancient yogis when the concept of modern science was not even conceived. We will surprise to know that all seven chakras are located close to seven major endocrine glands, which regulate levels of essential hormones in our body. It shows the great understanding of body mechanism on yogis' parts.

Our energy body (Pranamaya Kosha) is one of the five bodies of us. Prana means breath which equals to pranic energy. According to Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga, our presence is not limited to our physical body (Annamayakosha) but we have four more bodies— Pranamayakosha (Energy Body), Manomayakosha (Mental Body), Vijnanamayakosha (Intellectual Body/Wisdom) and Anandamayakosha (Bliss Body/ Consciousness)—five sheaths overlapping each others like onion layers. Prana (energy) flows throughout our subtle bodies—all sheaths.

This prana (energy flow) is governed by seven major energy centers which are called chakras. Our body, however, is the home to 114 chakras—out of these two are outside physical body. Like whirlpools, the chakras rotate at the speed of light in a clockwise direction. Activating and balancing the chakras considered as the one of the paths which helps you to realize your higher self or to connect your spiritual sel. You can call it enlightenment, kundalini awakening or simply a connection to the divine universal energy. 

The blockages in the chakras don’t allow you to live your life in fuller terms. What can obstruct a free flow of energy in our body? A positive energy flow is disturbed by a negative one. From where does this negative energy come from? It enters through our feelings/emotions in the physical body.  Though we all seek a simple and joyful life, we come across mess in the life from time to time. Intense emotional experiences and uncontrollable devastative life events bring with them sadness, guilt, fear, anxiety, depression, attachment, grief and hatred. These unhealthy emotions don’t allow energy to flow smoothly in a person’s body. Hatha Yoga (asanas, pranayamas, kriyas and mudras, please refer to Hatha Yoga post counteracts negative energies and stabilizes the chakras, stimulating them to spin rhythmically.

Let’s understand the significance of each chakra, an endocrine gland associated with it and the feelings that may paralyze that respective chakra. The awareness of emotions motivates us to work on them and clear the disturbances in our energy flow. Depending on your capability and comfort, you can choose to practice any yoga techniques—hatha yoga, meditation or simply beej mantras to remove these blockages. Apart from above mentioned means, there are many techniques that can be used to open our chakras.

Endocrine Gland & its Functions: This chakra associated reproductive glands—ovaries in women and testes in men, which secrete sex hormones. Ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, helps developing breasts and regulates menstruation. Testosterone is produced by testes, promotes production of sperms and maintains sex drive.
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Beej Mantra: Lam

Significance: Muladhara chakra is the foundation that supports our survival instincts, so we need to keep this center strong and stable. Our lower body; includes legs, the base of spine and feet are governed by this center.  It gives you energy to meet your core needs easily.This is the base of our kundalini, the source of our energy—in the form of sexual energy. The journey towards higher spiritual self begins here. Your kundalini rises to the top (Sahasrara Chakra) as you start unblocking your chakras one by one.

Blockages: Located at the base of spine, this root chakra is blocked by fear, anxiety and doubts. To activate this chakra, you must face and surrender your fears and anxiety. Fears need not be very big, even a simple constant fear of failure in the exam, can put your muladhar off the track. But if you have studied hard enough you don’t need to worry about it. Just allow your results to unfold to you and be ready to accept them.


Endocrine Gland & its Functions: Adrenal glands are linked to the sacral centre which regulates our immune system and manages gastrointestinal functions.
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Beej Mantra: Vam

Significance:  Swadhishthan can be translated as “one’s own abode”. Here “swa” means self and “stan” stands for dwelling place. The second chakra Swadhishthan located exactly below your navel centre takes care of all fluid movements in your body. This chakra is involved with sensuality, sexuality, creativity, joy, emotions, intimacy, and desires. Your circulation, urination, menstruation, orgasm and tears are taken care by this chakra.  Your sacral region, area of sexual organs, sacrum, lower back, womb, urinary bladder and kidney function nourished with Swadhishthan’s energy.

Blockages: You can access all kinds of pleasures and joys with the energy of Swadhishthan.  But a feeling of guilt doesn’t allow you to enjoy your life. We all feel guilty some or other time. But a continuous self-guilt will not allow you to celebrate any moment of your life. So first understand what do you blame yourself for? Accept the reality and forgive yourself. A very basic guilt of eating sweets when you are following a weight loss regime, can make you very irritable with own self. That sweet or chocolate pastry may not add any pounds to your body, but your guilt will certainly. The research has proved that when you release blockages in your mental/emotional body, you can shed weight  more easily.


Endocrine Gland & its Functions: Pancreas produces insulin, which maintains our blood sugar levels.
Element: Fire
Sense: Sight
Beej Mantra: Ram

Significance: The third chakra, Manipura, is located at the solar plexus, little above your navel centre. Manipura means "city of gems” and refers to a special kind sights—vision of your eyes as well as vision of your mind. This is also known as the “power centre” as you can manifest all your desires though this chakra. The Manipura governs our digestion and metabolism.

Blockages: It is blocked by a feeling of shame. You can unblock this chakra with the power of self-esteem and willpower. A feeling of shame doesn’t allow a person to rise in life. He always stays in abyss. Accepting and loving all aspects (dark, grey or white) of you is the key to find balance in this center, which is easier said than done. But you can gradually open this chakra with backward bending asanas, performed against the gravitational force, which helps you cultivating willpower.


Endocrine Gland & its functions: Thymus gland plays a vital role in regulating immune system.
Element: Air
Sense: Touch
Beej Mantra: Yum

Significance: Anahata chakra, the heart center, is the core of our being. The word Anahata mean “unstruck”.  The unstruck sound is known as Anahadnaad, manifested at heart chakra. It is known as primordial sound, which is beyond words. Located close to thymus gland, it takes care of your heart, upper chest, and upper back. The heart chakra governs the soft powers of life; love, affection, harmony and peace.

Blockages: This center is blocked by grief—the sadness you feel when you miss or lose somebody very dear or when your loved ones hurt you, or somebody breaks your faith. Feel the grief, accept the realities and practice asanas that will stimulate flow in your heart chakra, specifically asanas that promotes chest expansion, shoulder opening and neck tension releasing.


Endocrine Gland & its Functions: Thyroid glands associated with this center regulate body temperature and metabolism.  It also plays a part in bone development by controlling calcium and phosphorous levels.
Element: Ether/Space
Sense: Sound
Beeja Mantra: Hum

Significance: The word shudhhi means “purification”. It’s a purification center of your body and mind, which helps you to express your true self. Your communication whether through speaking or writing, through music or dance or painting, is originated and refined here. The work on this chakra can make you a powerful person in any chosen area. It maintains health of neck, throat, jaw, mouth, vocal cords, larynx, thyroid and parathyroid glands. 

Blockages: Truth is the nature of this chakra. The lies hamper the balance of this chakra.  Lies are not only what you tell others, but lies which you tell yourself too. When you pretend things, behave and act as someone else, you are just closing your Vishudhha Chakra.   Accept your realities, good and bad, will pave the way for true empowerment. The empowerment which takes place in you when you accept the way you are, easily accept your flaws and effortlessly express your potentials.


Endocrine Gland & its Functions: Pituitary Gland produces hormones and governs the function of all five glands and regulates emotions and intellect. Many hormones like growth hormones, prolactin, thyroid stimulating hormones and oxytocin are produced by this gland.
Element: light
Sense: Sixth sense that includes clairvoyance and intuition.
Beej Mantra: Ma

Significance: The word ajna means command and that’s why it is known as the “command center”. The location of this chakra, third eye, is the place where the two main energy channels, ida and pingala, meet.  Ajna chakra is the seat of the mind, of conscious and unconscious awareness.  It governs your thoughts, dreams, imagination, and vision. You can visualize the past and imagine wonderful picture of the future with Ajna Chakra. It cultivates your Sixth sense includes clairvoyance,  clairaudience, telepathy, intuition, dreaming, imagination, and visualization.

Blockages: It is troubled by illusion—means realities which don’t exist. The illusion of separation puts out of rhythm.  We are all connected to each other. There is no separation.


Endocrine Gland & its Functions:
Pineal Gland secretes melatonin, which regulates biological cycles including sleep.
Element: Thought
Sense: It takes you beyond all senses, closer to higher consciousness.
Beeja Mantra: Om

Significance: The word means Sahasrara means thousand. This chakra is depicted by a white shining lotus of thousand petals, which signifies higher consciousness, infinite being, kundalini awakening, pure bliss and enlightenment. Located at the crown of the head, Sahasrara Chakra connects us  with the divine energy or universal consciousness. It connects to you to your higher self. This is full expression of yoga—the unification of being with action of universality with individuality.

Blockages:  Your journey from Ajna to Sahasrara may take longer as we all have many attachments--attachment with loved ones, attachment with place, people and many materialistic things.  There is nothing wrong if you are attached to loved ones but it may come in your higher path. The practice of detachment will take you closer to higher self. Detachment doesn’t mean staying away from your near ones but you give them freedom to choose to do what they want. You give yourself freedom to love without any expectations.  Meditation will help you to get detached from your loved ones and love them eternally. 

Book: Swami-Satyananda-Saraswati---Asana-Pranayama-Mudra-Bandha