Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bonding Over Divine Sounds & Spirituality With Rivesh Vade

The system of yoga shares a close connection with the sound. Chanting is an integral to Yoga. You will hardly come across any yoga follower who has not recited OM during his yoga practice and not find it effective and enticing. Sound was used in healing from ancient times. Ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greek also knew the healing powers of sound. The ancient Greeks used the flute and the lyre for treating illnesses. Sounds can help to enhance quality of health and life. It can improve health and financial conditions, foster harmonious relationships, alleviate pain, reduce stress, treat depression, and create a better life.

The bond between sound and yoga goes much deeper when we learn the fundamental philosophy of yoga—Samkhya Philosophy. Yoga Sutra, highly recommended and celebrated yoga text guide worldwide by Patanjali is actually based on Samkhya Philosophy—one of the six ancient orthodox Indian philosophies. Samkhya teaches us about the components of the body, mind, and spirit—from the gross elements that make up the physical body to the more subtle elements of the mind and consciousness. Based on the understanding we gain from Samkhya, we learn yoga starting from the gross (asanas—physical level), moving next to the subtler levels of mind and soul through pranayama and meditation.  As per Samkhya philosophy, the five gross elements—akash (ether), vayu (air), agni (fire), jala (water), prithvi (earth) originate from five anmatras—subtle elements—shabda (sound), sparsha (touch), roopa (vision), rasa (taste) and gandha (smell) , which are related to each sense organ. Sound is the tanmatra of ether element which is first and vast in all gross elements related to ear.  The French Dr Alfred Tomatis from 19th century considered that the ear is the most important sense organ as it works as the body's balance organs and it is also the conductor of nervous system.

I listened to a well-known sound & frequency master trainer Rivesh Vade’s chakra balancing sound track few times which I found very relaxing. According to him, people who have attended his workshops and listened to his DVDs experienced transformational shift in their lives. He is an engineering post-graduate and done executive management from IIT Bombay and I was working with IT company before exploring the enchanting world of sounds. You may be now curious to know why he chose a offbeat path of sounds, how these sounds really work in the wellbeing of human being and above all yoga's connection with the sound.  A casual conversation with Rivesh Vade will give you few answers.

How did the career shift happen—from being an IITian to a Sound Frequency trainer?
Rivesh Vade:
I met with a near death kind of accident around three years back. I was bedridden for 3-4 months. Those months were quite relaxed and happy though it was actually a painful situation. I was sure that something good is arriving in my life, and that good was nothing but the sound.  I utilized my compulsory rest time listening different sounds and music. And there was a moment when sounds started spilling their secrets to me. I found sounds very interesting and powerful.   Soothing and relaxing experience with sounds encouraged me to study it in detail through books and internet. You may need to study more if you want to help somebody through sound frequency. But things were happening really faster as I started getting specific details of sound in a very limited period. I felt that I have many masters in my body and that are imparting me knowledge of sound. 

How does it work in wellbeing or healing of the person? What’s the science behind it?
We have different brain wavelengths. When you are restless brainwaves are more than 1400Hz and when relaxed lesser than that—lesser the brainwaves, well for your immunity and aura development. Sound frequency activates your brainwaves in such way that it creates happy hormones like serotonin, dopamine and which are very beneficial to mind body wellbeing. Dr Alfred Tomatis of 19th century believed that whatever frequency you are into you will get the same frequency in your voice too. However, we can consciously tune our voice to harmonious sounds.

How can weight loss happen with the sound?
Weight loss is not about limiting food intake but it’s all about balancing the hormones. Hormones and emotions are interdependent. All emotions have different frequencies. So emotions may get manifested into losing our health, causing illness and weight gain. Thyroid is the gland which plays an essential role in weight management. Many women with weight issues have imbalance in thyroid hormone--hypothyroid. Sound helps you to activate this gland. It works at both emotional and glandular level. It also works at mind level. Many people have lost the weight because by tuning themselves to sound. It actually motivates you to go for physical activities and exercise to achieve weight loss.

How can it help in relationships?
Sound can calm you. The moment you calm down, your inner equilibrium definitely shifted towards harmony. As I mentioned earlier all emotions have their own frequencies that get into our voice. Everyone can tune their voice tone for their wellbeing. For that I teach one exercise bio-tunings. You can tune your voice for better relationships, better finance. And we have been successful in this endeavor. Success is nothing but the frequency. Depressed and calm individuals have different frequencies. A successful person's voice tone is totally different--relaxed yet confident. At the same time when you listen to the voice of who's in struggle you can recognize he's in struggle. He may, however, show that he’s successful but you can note down restlessness in his voice which speaks louder than his words. He will attract same struggle again if he doesn't tune self to better frequency.

How many times and how long one should listen to these sounds to get the best results?
Tuning yourself once in a day is sufficient. You should continuously listen to it at least for six weeks. You can continue or stop after six weeks occasionally you can tune self.  A big shift takes place in a very first week but results are visible after six weeks.

Does it mean working on seven chakras would be enough if you want improvement in any area of life as they represent all emotions?
Yes, seven chakras are related to all your emotions so you can have a good impact in all areas of your life. We don’t work on kundalini but on emotions attached with respective chakras. For example, if there is a blockage in muladhar chakra, feeling of frequent insecurity and fear overwhelms the person. We play the sound frequency which can remove the negativity around the root chakra. When these negative emotions are released one automatically gets into harmony. 

What kind of relationship yoga and sound frequency shares according to you?
Yoga is the beginning of everything. Entire body is full of sensations (sanskaras). Sensations are nothing but the frequencies. You can recognize the touch of your near and dear ones. It is nothing but the frequency in terms of sensations. Many times we carry sensations from childhood and even from our ancestors. If they have been through some traumatic situations then you will feel the fear for no reason outside because that fear was trapped in your DNA. You may feel fear for very small reasons.

These fear sensations don’t allow you to grow spiritually. When in fear there is a change in your body--sometime you have butterfly in stomach or our palms and feet start sweating. Such sensations are neutralized with yoga. One has to remove all sensations if they want to reach higher goals. When a person sits in meditation; his sensations are suddenly more active. Same person, however, can watch 2-3 hours long movie without any disturbing sensations. All unnecessary negative sensations are removed with yoga. Everything starts with hatha yoga and ends with laya yoga. Sound actually helps us to reach directly to laya yoga.

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